Published inILLUMINATIONMoments and Memories…When does a moment become a memory? Is it at the time of very moment Or is it at a time of desperation and need?Dec 9, 20241Dec 9, 20241
Published inILLUMINATIONThinker or Feeder?Are you a free thinker? Or are you a slave of newsfeeds that tell you how to think?Jan 28, 2024Jan 28, 2024
Leadership LessonsAt one point in time, all of you must have been a leader. This can be in the office environment, maybe in some societies, or maybe at home…Jan 21, 2024Jan 21, 2024
What goes around comes aroundCan you remember that one time, your heart melt with kindness you offered to help someone in need?Dec 15, 2023Dec 15, 2023
Nature and UsWater quench our thirst, air helps us to stay alive and the soil grows the food for our survival.Mar 1, 20231Mar 1, 20231
Published inILLUMINATIONThe Most Viewed YouTube Video in Sri Lanka‘Manike Mage Hithe’Sep 8, 2021Sep 8, 2021